The WoLIE Initiative is an activity that was started and is promoted privately by Undine Stricker-Berghoff, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) CEng MEI VDI, ProEconomy, an engineering office based in Germany that is specialized on management and marketing services in energy technologies and building services. Further information on the person and the company: www.ProEconomy.de A board and committees will be installed if need arises and the funding is sufficient. 

The intensity of the future WoLIE activities depends on the funds contributed by private persons, companies or institutions. They get access to the restricted website area, exclusive information and (national) events. They get the possibility to publish information of their own or on behalf of the company/institution in that restricted area as well. The logos of the company/institution will be published on this page, too.

Category  Annual Fee
Individuals  75 €
SMEs with max.
750 employees
750 €
Larger Companies 7,500 €
Institutions 7,500 €

Other contributions like for instance invitations to seminars, travel expenses, print of brochures, exhibition space on trade fairs or conferences are welcome, too.

The fee will be paid against an invoice from ProEconomy. 19 % German VAT will be added. The sponsoring ends automatically if the invoice is not paid fully within four weeks.

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VmA e.V.


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